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Bronze statuets sculpture

Bronze sculptures give your living luxurious touch, while not reduce its cosiness. Bronze offers beauty and style at the same time. The history of this unique metal dates back to prehistoric times and has been one of the most popular decorative materials for many years. We offer products of one hundred percent bronze - no imitation. Each statuette bears its own unique signature and guarantee mark.

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Bronze statuette figurine of a bird with a tuft

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT91,22 EUR
a bronze statue of an angel

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT1 218,48 EUR
Bronze statue Crouching Puma/Panther - luxury bronze figurine on marble base, handmade wildlife decoration, unique gift for animal lovers

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT533,36 EUR
Bronze horse sculpture in motion - luxury handcrafted figurine with marble base

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT274,45 EUR
Bronze statue of a lady justice

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT99,18 EUR
Bronze sculpture - King of the Animals, Lion, detailed bronze sculpture with marble base, handcrafted, signed, decor for collectors and animal lovers

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT477,59 EUR
bronze boar

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT210,71 EUR
Bronze statue of lesbians

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT158,93 EUR
Bronze erotic sculpture couple - artistic figurine with hidden sensuality, unique home decor, marble base, handmade

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT178,85 EUR
Erotic bronze figurine of two naked men

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT238,60 EUR
Bronze statue ballerina - elegant dancing figurine, luxury bronze sculpture, marble base, perfect gift for ballet lovers

Availability: In stock
Price with VAT628,96 EUR
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